The IRA is a non-profit organization representing the economic, educational, and economic interests of roundwood producers. Anyone engaged in or interested in the harvesting, manufacturing or marketing of roundwood and associated products is eligible for membership.
We seek a consistent and stable supply of raw materials; present a united voice to government agencies and congressional delegations, seek good alternatives for hazardous waste disposal; find state and federal loan opportunities for small businesses; uncover new markets for our products, disseminate information on regulations, and educate the public on the need to thin timber stands for healthy forest environments and the prevention of fires.
The IRA publishes a highly read newsletter that is sent to members at no additional cost.
Members are encouraged to participate in our quarterly board of director meetings (two physical meetings and two teleconference meetings) during the year.
Annual membership dues are:
IRA Member (voting) $ 100.00
To join, please complete the Contact Us form and submit electronically. You will be contacted as to your membership status.